Friday, July 28, 2023

THANKS to ALL who participated!


It takes a lot of planning, coordinating, gardening, other efforts, time, and talent to pull together the Willow Garden Tour each year - - and it takes enthusiastic and appreciative attendees at this annual event in order to consider it a big Big Success.  That it was in 2023!  The Club's first try at serving a Hot Lunch was so popular that  we ran out of burgers and hotdogs. Sorry if you missed out on the grilled items, but hope you enjoyed the great dessert.

What was a glorious day, thanks to MANY . . .  and the sunshine!  If you know of a garden that should be on the tour in 2024, please let a WGC board member know or text Christy at (907) 632-5526.   We hope you had a fun day of collecting new ideas, socializing, and shopping. We also hope to see you participate in some way again in 2024. 


To initiate or renew annual membership, please

attend a WGC event, where an opportunity to join is available. 

A $10 donation to the Willow Garden Club is suggested. Mail to:

PO Box 247

Willow, AK 99688

Please provide your email address and phone number. 

(These are kept confidential)

Stay tuned to Willow Garden Club news at