Sunday, August 27, 2023

Harvest Dinner Potluck ...Sept.14, 2023

Remember the Plant Swap/Sale on Saturday, Sept. 9.  
See previous blog posting for details.

To initiate or renew annual membership,
 please attend a WGC event, where an opportunity to join is available. 
A $10 donation to the Willow Garden Club is encouraged.  
Mail to:
PO Box 247
Willow, AK 99688
Please provide your email address and phone number. 
(These are kept confidential)

Stay tuned to Willow Garden Club news and updates at


Thursday, August 17, 2023

Plant Sale/Swap on September 9 ... Willow Garden Club Members


To initiate or renew annual membership, please

attend a WGC event, where an opportunity to join is available. 

A $10 donation to the Willow Garden Club is suggested. Mail to:

PO Box 247

Willow, AK 99688

Please provide your email address and phone number. 

(These are kept confidential)

Stay tuned to Willow Garden Club news at

Jennie Schrage