Sunday, September 6, 2015

Harvest Dinner for Community -- Thursday, Sept. 17

This is a community-wide event for sharing all things "harvested" -- and for a good time.  It's a potluck and it is free.

Following the dinner will be the annual Willow Garden Club meeting focusing on an opportunity for members and potential members to consider where they'd like to volunteer with Club activities in 2016. Hopefully all will see a spot where they could be of help in keeping Willow Garden Club alive and well in the community. Please give some thought ahead of time to where your interests and talents would best fit. 

The more the merrier at the Harvest Dinner! Please extend an invitation to neighbors and other friends. If you didn't harvest something to bring to the potluck, bring what someone else grew, shot, caught, or picked.  It will all work out!

Visit this blog again soon and you'll find a flyer about the event.  This is simply a preliminary "heads up" message so you save Sept. 17 for the Harvest Dinner,  a potluck organized by the Willow Garden Club.